If you want peace, work for justice.
- Pope Paul VI
Faith and Action for Strength Together (FAST) is a Pinellas County-based Interfaith Justice Ministry network of about 50 congregations of different faith traditions. FAST is a non-partisan 501(c)3 non-profit organization that facilitates training for county residents to identify the root causes of community problems and to advocate for positive outcomes. Through FAST, people of all backgrounds connect to effectively address their community needs by working with county and city officials who can address policy and procedure deficiencies.
Our congregations differ in our worship and faith traditions, but we are committed to pursuing justice in God's name. Our strength is in our unity.
If you feel called to learn more and join in this work, sign up to receive emails from FAST organizers with information about upcoming meetings and issue work. Subscribing to the FAST newsletter is the best way to ensure you never miss an opportunity to create positive change in our community!
FAST Victory! Care About Me Mental Health Pathway
How does the figure $9.16 million sound to you? That's how much money the County Commission just allocated when they approved a contract to create a coordinate access model for behavioral health services. This is a justice win in Pinellas County that is directly a result of the power of FAST and the work that over 50 interfaith communities have been doing for five and a half years.
Care About Me is a new, innovative and streamlines resource. It provides experienced behavioral health specialists who screen residents in need of services and match them directly with local providers, making sure they have an appointment before they get off the phone with the helpline.
That is why we are proud to announce that the central pathway is up and running with the capacity to assist up to 1,000 residents of Pinellas County each and every month! Anyone can go to careaboutme.org or call 1-800-431-1998 to get assessed by a mental health professional who can help you figure out what you need and make appointments. If you or anyone you know uses the website or calls to get helps, please let us know about your experiences so we can report back to the county.
Invest in Our Justice Ministry Network
To ensure that FAST remains an independent voice for change in Pinellas County, our member congregations pay yearly dues to FAST from their church budget. Additionally, each justice ministry network member is invited to make a personal investment of $200 (or an amount they consider significant) each year. If every network member invested $200 a year, we would not have to seek any outside funding.